Child abuse comes in many different forms such as neglect, physical abuse, fetal abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and spiritual abuse. Statistics capture reported and substantiatedcases; however, experts believe that the numbers are only a portion of actual cases. There are signs may indicate that a child has been abused. An abused child may have all, just a few, or none of these signs. In addition, if a child exhibits some of these signs, it does not necessarily mean a child has in fact been abused. Abuse may only be determined by a professional agency such as Child Protective Services or Law Enforcement.
The most common type of child abuse, neglect, makes up for 62.8% of all cases. Neglect also results in about 35.5% of all fatalities. Nearly 73.1% of all neglect cases involve children under the age of three. Even with these startling statistics, neglect is the least talked about. There are different types of neglect:
Physical neglect – Includes abandonment or inadequate supervision, and failure to provide for safety or physical needs. Includes failure to thrive, malnutrition, unsanitary conditions, or injuries from lack of supervision.
Educational neglect – Includes not enrolling child in school, or allowing child to engage in chronic truancy.
Emotional neglect – Includes withholding of affection or attention, failure to provide psychological care, ignoring the child’s emotional needs.
Medical neglect – Includes delay or denial of dental or health care, or withholding medical care due to religious beliefs. Some states will not prosecute due to withholding of health care due to religious beliefs but court orders are occasionally obtained to save a child’s life.
Signs That May Indicate a Child Has Been Neglected
- Poor hygiene, including lice, scabies, severe or untreated diaper rash, bedsores, body odor
- Squinting
- Unsuitable clothing; missing key articles of clothing (underwear, socks, shoes); overdressed or underdressed for climate conditions
- Untreated injury or illness
- Lack of immunizations
- Indicators of prolonged exposure to elements (excessive sunburn, insect bites, colds)
- Height and weight significantly below age level
Physical abuse is the most obvious form of abuse. It is the one most people think about when they hear the words “child abuse.” It is an act that results in physical injury to a child such as punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning, breaking bones, hair pulling and shaking a baby. 16.6% of all child abuse cases are the result of physical abuse.
Signs that may indicate a child has been physically abused
- Recurrent injuries with unexplained, guarded, implausible, or inconsistent explanations
- Oddly shaped or patterned bruises or lacerations (from an object)
- Uncommon locations for injury (underarms, neck, back, genitals, stomach, thighs)
- Lacerations
- Burns (cigarette, immersion)
- Welts
- Broken bones and intracranial trauma
- Hair loss
- Wearing long sleeve clothing out of season
- Hesitation on showing certain body parts (not dressing out for P.E.)
- Acts out aggression on others
- Fear, withdrawal, depression
- Fantasies, art work, or threats related to violence
- Regression
- Nightmares, insomnia
Fetal abuse is the result of a pregnant woman abuses drugs or alcohol during her pregnancy. Child protective services may get involved if the obstetrician makes a report.
Fetal alcohol Syndrome (FAS) – Caused from the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy.
Drugs – tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin, PCP, LSD.
Signs that may indicate an infant is a victim of FAS
- Mental retardation
- Prenatal and postnatal growth deficiency
- Facial malformations
- Central nervous system dysfunction
- Varying degrees of major organ dysfunctions
- Developmental delays
Signs that may indicate an infant is a victim of fetal abuse due to the mother’s abuse of drugs during pregnancy
- Miscarriage
- Low birth-weight
- Premature birth
- Developmental delays
- Behavioral and learning problems
- Drug dependency and subject to withdrawal (tremors, sleeplessness, muscle spasms, and difficulties feeding)
- Susceptibility to HIV
Sexual abuse is any misuse of a child for sexual pleasure or gratification. It is the involvement of children in sexual activities that they do not fully comprehend, that they are unable to give informed consent to and/or that violates societal taboos. 9.3% of all child abuse cases are the result of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse comes in different forms:
Non-touching sexual abuse – Indecent exposure or exhibitionism, exposure to pornographic material or any sexual act, including masturbation.
Touching sexual abuse – Fondling, making a child touch an adult’s or another child’s sexual organs, penetration of a child’s vagina or anus by an adult or an object, and any other sexual act with a child.
Sexual exploitation – Engaging a child for the purposes of prostitution or using a child to film or photograph pornographically.
Signs that may indicate a child has been sexually abused
- Compulsive masturbation, teaching others to masturbate
- Excessive curiosity about sex or seductiveness
- Sexual acting out with peers, others
- Bruises or bleeding in external genitalia or stained, torn, bloody underclothing
- Frequent, unexplained sore throats, yeast or urinary infections.
- Bed-wetting, soiling, playing with feces
- Complains of pain or itching in genitalia
- Difficulty in sitting or walking
- Excessive bathing
- Withdrawn or aggressive
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Pregnancy, especially in early adolescence
- Sexual inference in school artwork
- Substance abuse
- Legal issues
- Overly compulsive behavior
- Fears and phobias
- Running away
- Sleep problems
- Fire starting
- Depression
- Somatic symptoms (stomach aches, headaches, etc.)
Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior that can seriously interfere with a child’s positive development, psyche and self-concept. 7.1% of all substantiated child abuse cases are the result of emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is hard to identify due to no physical evidence. There are several types of emotional abuse:
Rejection and Ignoring – Telling a child in a variety of ways that he or she is unwanted, having a lack of attachment, showing no interest, not initiating or returning affection, and/or not listening to the child. Not validating feelings. Breaking promises. Cutting the child off while he or she is speaking. Pretending to hear concerns, but then disregard them.
Shame and Humiliation –Telling a child he or she is stupid, etc. or evoking criticism when performance is not perfect. Judging what the child does as wrong, inferior, or worthless. Using reproaches such as “You should be ashamed of yourself,” or “Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about.” Pride is also a feeling that is often met with shameful condemnations, such as “Who do you think you are, Mr. Big Shot?”
Terrorizing – Accusing, blaming, insulting, criticizing, punishing and threatening with abandonment, physical harm, or death. Sabotaging success by making unreasonable demands or labeling the person as a loser. Taking advantage of the person’s weakness or manipulating. Slandering.
Isolating – Not allowing the child to engage with peers or activities, keeping a child in a room or small area, and not exposing the child to stimulation. Withholding information.
Corrupting – Engaging children to witness or participate in criminal acts such as stealing, drug dealing etc. Telling lies to avoid justifying actions or ideas.
Signs that may indicate a child has been emotionally abused
- Hiding his or her eyes
- Lowering his or her gaze
- Biting lips or tongue
- Forcing a smile
- Fidgeting
- Annoyance
- Defensiveness
- Exaggeration
- Confusion or denial
- Feeling of nakedness, defeat, alienation or lack of worth
- Regression
- Poor self-esteem
- Angry acts
- Withdrawal
- Insecurity
- Alcohol or drug abuse
- Depression
- Suicide
- Difficulty in relationships
- Eating disorders
- Sleep disorders/nightmares
- Speech disorders
- Developmental delays
- Nervous disorders or somatic symptoms
Spiritual abuse is typically thought of as an emotional abuse. However, it has its own indicators and therefore, is identified as separate. It is significant because it affects a child’s core beliefs, which in turn, can interfere with a multitude of aspects of the psyche. Spiritual abuse can manifest in many forms:
- Mind control or thought reform.
- The misuse of a position of power, leadership, or influence to further the interests of someone other than the individual who needs help.
- Psychological, sexual, and/or physical abuse by members of a specific religion or cult.
- Withholding medical care in lieu of prayer.
- Using religious texts for justifications for abuse.
- Psychological, sexual, and/or physical assault committed by one or more people whose primary motive is to fulfill a prescribed ritual or satisfy the perceived needs of a deity or other being. This may include exorcisms or sacrifices.
- Satanic or Sadistic Ritual Abuse (SDA) is an organized, secret, often multi-generational group who engage in mutilation, ritual killing, cannibalism, drinking of blood, systematic torture to produce robot-like, programmed, children, etc. SDA is either rare or is hardly ever reported.
Common Characteristics of Abusive Groups
Authoritarian – The group claims to have been established by God and leaders in this system claim the right to command their followers. Followers may be told that God will bless their submission even if the leadership is wrong.
Image Conscious –History, character flaws, etc are misrepresented or denied to validate the revered image of the group. Irrationally high standards are placed upon followers and their failure to live up to these standards is a constant reminder of the follower’s inferiority to his or her leaders.
Suppresses Criticism – Questions or open discussions about issues are not allowed. The group or religion is promoted as favored by God and a person who questions becomes the problem rather than the issue he or she raised. Questioning anything is considered a challenge to authority and doubting God.
Signs that may indicate a child is a victim of
Spiritual/Ritual Abuse
- Child believes he or she is evil or causes others to be evil
- Mistrust of others outside the group
- Strong fear of God
- Overly obedient or perfectionistic
- Strong feelings of shame or guilt
- Programmed statements or behaviors
- Sleep problems or nightmares